Group Music
Children have fun with music!
All in-person classes have resumed at Thompson Park in Lincroft New Jersey c/o the Monmouth County Park System Yeah!
Keyboard Beginnings Music - Level 1 Beginners (ages 4 1/2-6, with adult) Young children are fascinated by musical sounds. They naturally respond to rhythms and love to sing familiar melodies. Children who love to sing, dance and are curious about musical instruments will enjoy Ms. Judy Kagel's class as we learn the names of the musical keys and play short songs on keyboards provided in the classroom. It is highly recommended your child has access to a keyboard or piano at home for short followup assignments. Parents are asked not to bring siblings to class since collaborative learning and bonding between parent and child is a great benefit. Children will receive a music book for home practice, a rhythm instrument, crayons and lesson outlines. A materials fee of $20.00 is due to the instructor on the first day of class.
Seven Sessions $160.00 Parent/Child Thompson Pk Vis Ctr Tulip Room
Mon, Sep 18-Nov 6 4:00-4:45 PM . . . . . . A1734X No class
Mon, Sep 18-Nov 6 5:00-5:45 PM . . . . . . A1834X No class 10/9
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Latest Book
Series geared for the Classroom
(Click for details)
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Also offering private piano
lessons for all levels
incorporating Keyboard Beginnings Music techniques
Keyboard Beginnings is a music course that introduces young children to their first playing experience on the piano and keyboard as a solo and ensemble instrument. Keyboard Beginnings is an all inclusive music course with songs and lyrics that encourage young children to sing and play simultaneously. Children are gently introduced to note and rhythm notation through the repetition of note patterns and simple rhythms in each song. The music books in the young beginners series were created by Judy Kagel of JBK Music Publishing Co. The music books for young children include activity pages for reviewing concepts taught in each song. Through ear training activities, children learn to distinguish different pitches, listen and clap simple rhythm patterns, and play music with an even tempo.
Keyboard Beginnings, now in its 15th year, has been classroom tested in Monmouth and Ocean Counties of New Jersey.
Where Can Your Child Participate After School?
Call (732) 577-0063 for upcoming free demo lesson.
Don't miss out on this Music Education Program for your child!
Keyboard Beginnings Music IS
the Foundation
for Piano, Keyboard, and other musical instruments
Judy Kagel, author of Keyboard Beginnings, was chosen to present Keyboard Beginnings workshops at the New Jersesy Music Education Association Conference in Atlantic City on Feb 20-22, 2020. Ms. Kagel demonstrated ideas and techniques for teaching group keyboard in the classroom to grades K-3rd. Included were hands-on activities to develop note reading and rhythm notation that she developed. <continued>
West Freehold School, Freehold Township, New Jersey |
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Office phone: 732-577-0063